Sunday, October 12, 2014

The Awakening

Two and a half years ago, I was introduced to Pinterest. And my life has never been the same. No, I am  totally being serious! I had heard a few friends talk about this intriguing new site, but I still couldn't quite understand it. That is until one of my friends took me under her wing, and showed me the ropes of this magical place, with magical pin boards. It took me a few months to find my groove, but once I did...oh I knew I had hit the jackpot! 

I have always had a love of keeping things nice and neat, clean and orderly. OCD on all accounts. But sometimes I lacked the inspiration for a project or the innovative idea, or even just where to get started and what materials to use. Never the less, as a newlywed and mother of two at the time, I had always had a dream of having a beautiful home and an incredibly organized space to thrive in. Then one day, my relationship with Pinterest just clicked and before I knew it, I was on a nonstop roller coaster, moving from one project to the next. And I have to say, I have loved every (sometimes chaotic) moment of these last two years of obsessive crafting, organizing, cleaning and decorating! 

 When I first became addicted to this new "Pinterest life style," my best friend and I often joked that if Pinterest didn't change your life, you're not doing it right! 

It changed my life by giving me inspirations to be the best version of myself and the resources I would need to get there. 

I am a housewife. I raise babies, I cook, I clean, I organize, I decorate, I shop, I do my makeup, I  do craft and diy projects, I meet with friends, I pack lunches....and so much more! There have been plenty of times when this has seemed so overwhelming, but with the help of Pinterest and amazing dedicated bloggers, I believe we have all gone through some what of an AWAKENING. We have awakened to the idea that we *want* to be that image of the perfect wife/mother/woman. We *want* to put in the effort, and do things like, go overboard on making a really cute family calendar....even if that makes us look lame! We *want* to stream line our day with labeled bins for every activity. We *want* to mod podge glitter on to every thing... 

The job of housewife was once seen as dull and insuperior to the full time working woman. 

Would you join me in this revolution? 
I have loved this adventure I have been on and the success of my projects so much, that I finally decided to listen to the voice inside that kept telling me to blog my successes...and even failures. Let's share our organization projects together. Let's share our diy furniture redo projects. Let's talk about the newest fashion trend that we're loving and the no fuss makeup routine we're into. Let's share our weekly household cleaning schedules. Let's love ourselves and love the tasks we do each day, that keep our families knit together. 

Let's sing our song of the housewife revival. Right here. Right now.